We’re dedicating this corner of the web to our 5 parrots, Hannibal, Neo, Andre, Taz and Angel. I’m starting off the blog with a biography of Hannibal…
Hannibal (Female Scarlet Macaw)
Hannibal is the oldest (approximately 80 in human years) and she’s one of the most unique birds we have ever known. We don’t have a lot of information on her history but we do know she’s a rescue bird who spent a number of years confined to a kennel with dogs. The owners kept her outside 24/7, 365 days a year. It’s important to note that this kennel was located in the chilly state of Pennsylvania. At one point she was attacked by a German Shepherd and has lost use of her right wing. She’s completely blind in her left eye due to cataracts but manages to get around just fine. To sum up her personality, we’d have to describe her as a dog/cat/human with wings. She runs around on the floor and barks, she loves to sit beside me on the couch during the evenings and nudges my arm when she wants me to pet her, and she is so intelligent and so compassionate that I tend to forget she’s not a person. She’s also the only bird who doesn’t talk but she manages to communicate through the use of physical expressions and various grunts and yells. In a nutshell, we’re blessed to have her in our family.